Monday, March 15, 2010

Game for blind people

Hey guys sorry this has been a long time coming in terms of getting my thoughts and ideas up on the blog but here we go.

Something floyd said about creating a game for disabled people or even pets in our first lecture when he first presented us with our task of designing a new exertion game got me thinking.. what about a game for blind people? 

My first idea was like a race to push buttons or beacons that are signaled by sound. Like a game of Marco-polo but you're trying to find stationary buttons instead of another player (i only just realized the similarity to marco-polo then so shall be coming back to that point). The buttons could be placed around an empty room on walls at various heights.

The sound could work on a hotter-colder kind of system with a device attached to the players hand or wrist, detecting the distance from the player to the active beacon and producing the sound accordingly ie. the more frequent the beep the closer you are to the target. 

To include a people factor, not limiting the game to single player. Leveling the playing field with a blindfold anyone can participate. 

The object of the game would be to beat your opponent to the randomly activated beacon, relying on the beep for direction. A mad rush of shuffling and groping up and down walls commences until someone finds the right beacon. Once pushed that beacon would be deactivated and another activated in its place. This carries on for a predetermined number of "hits" and the player with the most beacon touches at the end of the game wins. 

The fact that two or more players could be blindly pelting around the same room raised a safety concern. So i thought of maybe employing padding on the walls and having separate identical rooms for each player (in danger of sounding like an isolation room for some mental institute rather than a playing field). This would eliminate the danger of collision and leave everything up to speed rather than barging the opponent out of the way to beat them to the beacon.

Sketches/diagrams should be forthcoming.

We also came up with the idea to introduce obstacles to maybe make things more interesting, but would this detract from the idea of racing by presenting a trip hazard and causing people to be more cautious. Would this add to or take away from the appeal of the game? 

Anyway thats the rough idea so far in a nut shell. Anything else anyone wants to add to make improvements or other game ideas lets get them up here for feedback and discussion! :)